Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery took part in many of the major events of the Civil Rights Movement, beginning with organizing state-wide support for the Montgomery bus boycott while he was pastor at Warren Street Methodist Church in Mobile, Alabama. He was a founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and served as its third president (after Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy) from 1977 to 1997. He participated in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and led the Selma-to-Montgomery march for voting rights. Ebony Magazine named him one of the 15 best black preachers, describing him as "the consummate voice of biblical social relevancy, a focused voice, speaking truth to power.”
Dr. Lowery gave the benediction at President Barack Obama's inauguration in 2009. Read the text and see the video here…/rev-lowery-inauguration-benedi.h…